Deep Tissue Massage:

Deep Tissue massage is typically more focused on a tangible goal, such as pain relief and management, increasing range of motion, or addressing fascial adhesions and restrictions.

 Therapeutic Massage:

Therapeutic Massage is a style of massage therapy which focuses on achieving a structural change or therapeutic benefit in the body. It is style of treatment focused on mobilizing your soft tissue (muscles, tendons, fascia, etc) to restore normal functional use.

Relaxation Massage:

Relaxation massage is meant to do just that – relax you. This results in whole-body and mind relaxation, stress reduction, improved circulation, and a boost to the immune system. A relaxation massage is not simple pampering with no therapeutic value. In our high stress world of over-scheduling and burn-out culture, taking the time out to truly zone-in is immensely therapeutic. This kind of massage does more than relieve the symptoms of stress. After fitness competitions, a relaxation & recovery massage decreases inflammatory proteins and increases rebuilding proteins to help you recover faster and easier.